Doula Mentoring
"For every Mother, there shall be a Doula."
When we look around as women, wives, partners, and especially as expectant mom and doulas-
we see other pregnant mothers everywhere.
For this reason, Doulas of CNY personally mentors each newly trained, aspiring doula. A mentor that will help you start, maintain and build your doula career with important and essential steps. Guiding you on initial visits, prenatal visits, birth strategizing with clients, and moving along in your journey.
It isn't a 'program', it is personalized according to your needs; you go at your own pace.
Our seasoned doulas are always elated when an aspiring doula joins our agency and begins her doula path. We network together within the community to provide families with the best birthing experiences possible.
“Mentoring with a certified doula boosted my confidence. Once I observed a birth, I felt so ready to be on my own but I lacked confidence. I attended a birth with Chris and another with Michele and they let me take control. They stood back and observed me in action. They both gave me great feedback and the boost I needed to take clients on my own. Mentoring with a certified doula gives you a unique, empowering experience as a budding doula.”
— Holly S. Mentee, Certified Birth Doula
“Mentoring is about guiding and leading. It is not taking the certifying doula by the hand, it is gently showing her the way in your spirit, voice and the way you treat your moms, dads and families. Sometimes it IS about having her being on her own, perhaps making a decision, and having the mentor doula encouraging her."
— Christine G. Mentor, Certified Birth Doula